Saturday, December 30, 2006

Thanks Uncle Paul

Uncle Paul gave Erik the Enterprise and 2 Klingon spaceships for Christmas. We've never had a model this challenging. It involves soldering and a higher degree in enginering. The spaceships are wired with microscopic fiber optic cables. The cables will light all the windows and engines on the spaceship. It's very cool. Hopefully we connect all the cables correctly. We will post a picture once far is done with the finer details :-)

Friday, December 29, 2006

Great gifts

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Merry Christmas

We had a great Christmas. The tree was beautiful. The company great. We had wonderful food - both goose and roast pork. This year all the caramelised potatoes were eaten. I guess the children have come to like them like the rest of us. We all enjoyed our presents. There were plenty for all of us. Axel was quick to figure out his mobile phone and made this video of our dancing around the Christmas tree. You can see it here.

I know it's small - still searching for a good format for compression that all can view.

Monday, December 18, 2006

The finest Christmas tree ever

The trees at our usual plantation had grown. The trees that last year was 7 to 8 feet were now 10 to 12. After a lot of gazing in the air after the top of the trees, the Nordic lumber jacks got the finest tree ever. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 17, 2006


We usually have a shopping list lying on the kitchen table. Yesterday we found an entry that was not from Ellen or me.

It turned out Rita was the author. She thought we needed "chocolate"! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christmas traditions

It's not figgy pudding - but the setting of a great family tradition. Today we had Felicia, Edith, Merete and Farmor og Baba over to make Christmas candy. We rolled marcipan, dipped chocolates and mixed nuts. Ellen made her world famous bourbon balls. Yummy! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Santa Lucia

In Ritas preschool they celebrated Santa Lucia last week. Rita was a very beautiful maiden. It was very special to see all the candles and hear their singing. We made a small video of the parade. You can see it here: