I must have overlooked this picture. It's from a couple of weeks ago when a tremendous storm roamed over Denmark. We went to the beach just for the experience.
Finally winter - or almost. We had one day of snow. I didn't take long for Axel and Rita to get out and play. To day it rained. So basically it was one day of winter.
Still waiting for the last details in the bathroom, so no picture yet.
Took this picture when I walked to the metro after work yesterday. It was an awesome sunset over the harbor. Bathroom is still not done. Hopefully it will be tomorrow.
Thursday, we put up new ceiling with inlaid lamps and laid tiles on the floor. The glue has to dry for 48 hours before we can walk and the floor, so it's going to be interesting to see if I get the toilet and zink in on Sunday. In the beginning of the week I was certain I would be done by Wednesday!
A little help is always welcome. Wednesday we painted and Erik helped. He only had good clothes he argued, so he had to swing the roll topless. The main color is a greyish blue depending on the light. We will make a border around the room in a darker blue once the paint is done drying.
Things take time. Tuesday I only managed to put up wallpaper. It had to dry for 12 hours before painting! In the meantime I put up new outdoor lamps amongst other things.
I had an extra week of vacation which we decided should be spend doing "small" chores around the house. For one we really wanted to do something about the little restroom downstairs. This is how it has progressed so far.
Monday we stripped all the wallpaper and removed all the appliances. The kids panicked when I turned of the water in the house. I had to wait until they all had used the restroom at least once. The water is on now. But we only have the room upstairs.
At church all the small children carried the gifts to the priest. There were so many that Rita didn't get to carry anything. She wasn't happy about it at all. So when it was time for Communion, Rita just had to be the first. She pushed Ellen to the side and made her way in to the alley and ran to Fr. Leo to get her blessing!