Sunday, November 30, 2008
Kitchen hand
This year Axel has cooking classes at school. Last Tuesday he made a bread but killed the yeast in the process. He wanted to do it right. So yesterday he baked two very delicious breads. Seems like the Qvistgaard baker genes aren't wasted.
Kitchen aid
It was big cooking day yesterday. Ellen was away at school and Rita had asked for lasagne for dinner. She also wanted to cook it herself. She really laughed when I told her to add tomato puré to the sauce. Turned out she thought I'd said "tomato puha".
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
41st Birthday
Yeah I know it doesn't lokke like it, but yesterday I turned 41. Ellen took this nice picture of me trying on this nice sweater I got from Mary and Gary. Thanks.
I always try to take the family out to eat at a well recommended restaurant. I think it's important for the kids to get a taste of a different cusine and better quality - and then not the least I love to do it for myself :-) This year we ended up at Cofoco. We had an excellent dinner of scallops, veal with grilled thymus (there must be a less clinical name but that's what google translator came up with - it was good) and creme brulee. Rita had fish and I had cheese for dessert. It was all very good.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
First snow
Yesterday, we had the first snow of the year. Rita and Axel woke up really early. I guess it was the light from the snow which arose them. In a split second they dressed and down stairs. No breakfast. No nothing. Just on with boots, gloves and jackets and out!!! Wish it could like that on school days.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I know there's a couple of weeks to the US Thanksgiving. We however celebrated it this weekend. We had 17 dinner. It took 2 turkeys, 4,5 kg. potatoes, 1 kg. brusselssprouts, 2 pecan pies and 1 pumpkin pie plus of course breadrolls, cranberry sauce and stuffing. We managed to make it all at home. It took a bit of scripting to work it out with only one oven and the microwave. But it did. We all were full and happy when done.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Handsome guy

Erik got his braces off to day. He really looks good. He's got a wire in white gold glued to the inside of his teeth to hold them together. I tried to convince him that he now had a brilliant pick up line. Something like "Can I share my gold with you" or something like that. Erik didn't appreciate it.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Axel is really into film music. I believe his teacher thinks it's fun so he gives Axel all the musical scores he can find.
- - -
I forgot to add that last weekend we had a transcontinental concert when skyping with Paul and family. Isaac played his guitar - "Smoke on the water" while Axel did the theme from "Jaws". Pretty impressive.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Fomelhaut b
Yeah, I know it's been a while but we've been busy. This tired witch was captured at school after a spectacular Halloween party which some of the parents in Rita's class had arranged. The kids had blue potatoes and ghost fingers (hot dogs).
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