Monday, May 05, 2008

New job

Today I started my new job. My office is right next to the Botanical gardens. This is the view from my desk. I'm looking forward to realizing some of my ideas and projects for the organization: Openness/dialague and gender are some of the issues I hope to raise on the short term.

This day Erik also went on "Blue Monday" in Copenhagen. "Blue Monday" is a custom where the children who has just been confirmed are allowed to take a day out of school and spend it on their own hand in the city. It's possible since we have a state church where all the children in 7th grade on our school are confirmed on the same weekend - if they are members of the state church of course. Eventhough Erik's confirmation is not until next year, he was invited along with all of his friends.

Erik had looked so much forward to it. Normally he has easy to sleep and sleeps late if allowed, but last night he couldn't fall asleep and he was almost the first up this morning. I can understand him. Part of the program was to eat at a restaurant downtown and then visit Tivoli. A couple of the parents from the class accompanied the group to keep an eye on them and help if needed.
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Jennifer said...

Great view!!!

Blue Monday sounds like a blast!

Rick said...

Congrats on the first day at the new job; great view! However I still loved the wood floors in your old office building.