Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sort sol

At this time of year thousands of starlings gather in the area before migrating to a warmer climate. At evening very large groups of starling search for an area to rest for the night. They swarm around for 10-20 minutes until they find the right place and then they are down. The flock will move almost like the northern light. The phenomenon is called Sort Sol or Black Sun. Ellen and I, like many many other people, went to see it. Unfortunately, it's difficult to predict where the really big groups will go down to rest so we didn't get to experience it right in front of us. But we did see it and we also saw many other groups right around us. It was quite fascinating to hear the rush of the wings and the chirping of the birds.

We weren't able to take a picture which made it justice, but you can find one here.

Interesting enough we had to cross the German border to see it. But that wasn't any hazzle. We just drove through this city. Entered in one country and excited in another. No passport control or whatever. I do realise it is consequence of the Schengen agreement on how to conduct control at EU's external borders. But it puts the current strict immigration laws in perspective.

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