Monday, December 15, 2008

December 14

It's hard to make a daily update. Nonetheless, this is a Christmas calendar so here it comes. The post for yesterday, that is.

I was feeling a bit under the weather yesterday and it was not because of the drink we served Saturday.

While in Malaysia I went to a grocery store and bought a few special items although only items labels in English. Adventure has it limits :-)

Some of our relatives with closer relations to Asia might have heard of this drink. To us it was all new. It looked like cola except for the sediment! The taste was a bit like diluted molasses - with lumps - which I assume was grass. I'm proud to say all kids gave it a try. But cola is preferred to the grass jelly...
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Jennifer said...

You are far braver than me. :) I can't believe it had lumps in it!

Rick said...

Grass Jelly Soda? Ewww!