Thursday, June 14, 2007

Dressed up

This picture Else and Jacob plus Ellen and me was taken at Jens and Kirstens wedding. We had a very enjoyable evening. Good company and good food.
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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Axel's birthday

Since Axel's birthday is in the middle of the summer vacation we have a tradition of celebrating him before school ends. This year we had the party at grandma and grandpa Q's place. We had a lot of fun but it was hot! We've never seen the kids drink so much. On average each kid drank half a gallon of kool aid in 4 hours.
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Awesome weather

I can't remember any month of June being this warm. Today it was almost 90 F! Yesterday we went to a near by lake and had fun. Rita is still learning to swim. Hence the life jacket.
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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Great friendship

Axel's best friend Bjarni moved to Iceland last summer. These days he is paying a visit to Denmark. It's really been great to see how happy both boys have been to see each other again and how god they are to pick up their old games.
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History day

June 3rd was history day in Denmark. We went to an old bog where they used to cut out peat. Erik was very taken with it and wasn't bothered by the 10.000 mosquitoes that swirled around our heads. We were eaten! Erik dug up quite a bit of peat and was allowed to bring home a big chunk so now we are waiting for an opportunity to burn it.
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