Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bad hair day

I wonder if there is an equivalent bad baking day. Tonight I had planned a tarte tartin for dessert. Well the tartin ran out of the pie dish so all we had left was crust and baked apples and an oven overflowing with caramel goop. Afterwards the pumkin bread literally exploded in the pan and all the good stuff petrifying on the cookie sheet. No more baking projects that day but instead quite a cleaning up job. Hrmf!
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Monday, February 21, 2011

Visit Norway

Last week when I was busy with work, Ellen, Rita and Axel went on a 40 hour cruise to Norway. The fjord was packed with ice. They had a thrilling visit to the technical museum. Axel got so enmeshed with a set of electric drums that he could have stayed there, Ellen said. Everybody frollicked in the pool on the ship and had fancy drinks in the nightclub. From what I hear it was an excellent 2 day substitute for a winter's vacation.